View post (Totally Un-Regonized)

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Mr. Vai
Joined: 03/22/01
Posts: 91
Mr. Vai
Joined: 03/22/01
Posts: 91
08/14/2001 4:23 pm
The thing is though that Hendrix wanted to be regonized as not only a Musican but he really wanted to have been noticied for his Lyrics, a guest speaker I belive at GIT was a friend of Hendrix's at the time, and the last year or so he was alive (if you would have seen any biographys on hendrix) he was extremly depressed, he was like that because he thought as though he failed lyrically. Alot of his songs were about such as "Freedom", "Castles Made of Sand" (tragic stories it seems) "Purple Haze" (I belive it was origianlly "Purple Haze, Jesus Saves" were he was under the sea, surrounded by Purple Haze and Jesus saved him) I mean I could go on about the incredable lyrics he had that practicly i'd say 90% of people didn't even pay attention to untill he died, which was kinda sad...
My guitar is like an umbillical cord, its wired into my head.