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Joined: 10/05/05
Posts: 31
Registered User
Joined: 10/05/05
Posts: 31
03/31/2006 5:07 am
Im thinking about getting a new guitar in the near future, but I'm not sure what kind would be best for me. Right now I have a Fender Mex strat, and Love it but I think its about time to move on and upgrade to a better guitar. The three brands I've narrowed my search down to are Paul Reed Smith, ESP, or Gibson. I need to know what kind of guitar would be the best for me. I play more of a metal, hard rock style, but also play more modern rock or acid rock kind of style. If anyone can give me ideas of guitars from those three brands that would work really good for that. I plan on spending as much as $1000 or less but would be willing to go as high as maybe $1500, but not likely. Maybe something more in the $750 dollar range. Please give me some Ideas for good guitar models from those three brands because im sure I want one from one of those three.