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Joined: 07/11/00
Posts: 581
Joined: 07/11/00
Posts: 581
04/12/2001 5:01 am
Personally, in the past Ive always had a habit of moving forward too quickly with my favorite solos, instead of methodically trying to learn them out. But we learn from the past, and that its important to play our favorite pieces right, even if it takes a little bit of time. Alot of the times we get overwhelmed because our friends have progressed much faster with certain guitar pieces, but you shouldn't let that bother you. Because we all work at our own pace, and in the end we all have our own special technique, (as well as hidden elements that no one else possesses.

The best tip that I can gve you is to use your ears as a guide, and listen to the song note by note and make sure you're not trying to play each piece way too fast...Speed with come in due time, but if you try and push yourself to the limit before you're ready, you might injure yourself. Just remember good tnhings come to those who wait, play each measure individually, and perhaps slowly. Be sure you have your fingers placed right in the most comfortable position on the fret board, and learn to excercise your level of patience...

"Swoop and soar like the blues angels."