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R. Shackleferd
Gulf Coaster
Joined: 12/13/04
Posts: 1,338
R. Shackleferd
Gulf Coaster
Joined: 12/13/04
Posts: 1,338
04/07/2005 11:30 pm
Most influential to me was definitely Zeppelin. Caused me to grow my hair long, read Lord-of-the-Rings, and of course pick up a guitar when I was about 13. LOTR made a damn good movie(s) as well. Bonham died when I was only 1 or 2 (I'm 25 now), but somehow they still put the 'Led' in me.
So in keeping with the thread:
JRR Tolkien - Lord of the Rings
Arthur C. Clarke - numerous stories
Jack London - White Fang, Sea Wolf
LOTR series
Glory - first movie I ever cried at
Jaws - only movie that kinda truly scared me...(was wary of fishing for awhile)
Led Zeppelin -
Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here was 1st cd I ever bought
Pantera - never liked metal till I heard them
Leo Kottke - nothing like him, kinda like jolly aggression on an acoustic
Francisco Tarrega - my newest acquired taste

Of course being from Texas has been quite an influence as well. There's more state pride here than anywhere else. Hell, Texas was it's own country before a state, so I'm not saying it's better here, but being from here, you just grow up with pride, confidence, and a lil' swagger that's just Texan.
[FONT=Palatino Linotype]"Bust a nut!" - Dimebag
"Imagination is more important than knowledge." - Einstein