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Crime Fighter
Joined: 08/04/02
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Crime Fighter
Joined: 08/04/02
Posts: 1,518
11/04/2004 3:39 pm
There too much to argue when it comes to whom should have been president in my opinion and why. I myself was not totally for Kerry. Nobody is perfect. But building an argument against Kerry because he changed his mind in a 30-year period is a fool's argument. Name one person who has never changed his mind in 30 years about something? Well Kerry is guilty, but so is Bush. He's changed his mind more times than anyone since he's been president. Example one, after 9/11 bush said he's not gonna rest until he brings the people responsible for the attack to justice. Name Osama Bin Laden. Not even a year after, Bush was asked about Bin Laden and he said, "I never gave it much thought, and I don't care what happens to him." How can a president not care about capturing the man who was behind killing more than 3000 innocent American civilians??? Well yeah he's still at large. Who did he go after instead, Hussein. Oh yeah, and those who live in American now can vouch for this. We have been living in terror of Hussein since 92 huh?

About changing presidents in wartime. Yeah it's probably not the best step to do so, UNLESS the war is not going well. Vietnam is a good example. Kennedy started it. Johnson went into it after Kennedy was killed. During Kennedy it was mostly diplomatic. Johnson escalated it. Then Nixon made it, why? The threat of COMMUNISM! What’s the threat now TERRORISM. Not much of a difference when it comes to scaring the American public into voting for you. Wasn't the plan to bring DEMOCRACY to Vietnam? What’s the plan now? The same. Did it work? NO. Why? Politicians ran the war. What's happening now? The same. Forcing democracy is NOT DEMOCRACY. It scares me to say that the war effort is exactly the same too. What are we doing there, policing the state waiting to get blown up. Even when we know where these insurgents and clerics are. What happened in Vietnam? We knew exactly where the enemy was but due to political interruption. We had to wait til attack. Looks like another Vietnam to me.

How did Bush win? Most people in America do not support the war and what’s going on in Iraq. Bush won based on Moral values, which I think makes the people who voted for him look even blinder. Bush has no values as you can see in what's happened since he's been president. But yet he made it a point to join with the church. Think about this, and Bush probably does have faith. It got him out of the bottle as he would say. Kerry has been an outgoing Catholic all his life. He just never made it such a huge point in his election and that why he lost. The faithful are the people who made it possible for Bush's victory. It's sickening, because of the many cardinal rules that every politicianbreaks.

Stem-cell research? Hey, if it's going have a chance at curing most of the world's diseases and many other positive advancements in medical science? Why the hell not.

Gay-marriage? That in my opinion is for the church to decide. Even though neither supported it. So no use in making a point, but in my opinion this country is based of freedom. I have no problem with gay people getting married. So what. But that depends on the church, marriage is their idea.

Economy? Bush's one good thing in 4 years. Tax-cut. WOW! Who truly benefits from tax cut. The 1% of the American upper class. Kerry's idea was to increase the wages and benefits of the lower and middle class. Which in my opinion would have clearly made up for him level the tax rate again. But hell we'll all stay below the poverty wage rate of 8.60/hr. Great! Not to mention the biggest deficit in 60 years, and more jobs lost in 30 years.

Health-care? I can barely afford it because has raised it so much. Kerry was for lowering it so people like me can afford it once again. Cause my health and many other in similar situations is not important to Bush. Just his upper class buddies.

Social security? There's a lovely thought. Now I think I understand this correct, however correct me if I'm wrong. Now our hard earned social security money will now be thrown into funds and trades. No more collecting a balanced monthly check, my money will be played with by stock traders. Looking at the current economical state, that probably a REALLY BAD IDEA!!!

Education? Bush has a really good idea about education, but didn't he 4 years ago. Nothing has changed, do you honestly think it will this time? I hope so, but I also hope for the best, plan for the worst. In the state of Ohio, where the election was won. Schools have to pay 5000 a year just to open up. This has increased since Bush took office. I know in the area where I used to live 3 schools closed in Ohio in that 4 years.

Yeah Kerry looked like a freaky Frankenstein looking mo-fo. But he had better ideas for 99% of the country. But hey he looks weird, let's not vote for him. Let's vote for the rich redneck whose in it for the rich only. Not only that, let's increase the republican hand in the Senate and House so he can do whatever he wants. Considering his record in the last four years is so great.

I think if people really took the time to research both sides, most would be taken back but what just happened.
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